Our production time varies depending on the print processes involved, and the number of post-press finishes required. You can find a Production Time Estimate on the bottom of our cost calculator on each product page, it is an indicative estimate of time only, which means it can be facilitated or delays could occur due to factors outside our control/expectation.

When multiple sets of the same kind are ordered, it will also add to the total time required. If you have an absolute deadline to meet, please discuss the possible options with us first before placing an order.
Please note, our Production Time Estimate does not include shipping time, which includes both international and local deliveries. The Production Time Estimate is worked out in business days, which do not include weekends and any public holidays that would occur in the country of our production facilities. In the event of major delays, we will do our best to communicate this across to you and provide some form of discount or expedited shipping to remedy the delay. However, delays of any kind will not form the grounds for order cancellation or refund.